• chevron_rightWhere can I find the community Rules & Regulations? (Updated)
  • chevron_rightHow do I get the complete CC&R's?
    To receive the complete version of the Columbus Grove's governing documents for escrows and refinances, including the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Reservation of Easements), please go to HomeWiseDocs .
  • chevron_rightWhere do I find the Master Association Insurance Policy?
  • chevron_rightWho picks up my trash and what day is pick-up?
    Irvine: Trash pick-up is on Thursdays by Waste Management.
    www.wm.com or (714) 558-7761
    Tustin: Trash pick-up is on Tuesdays by CR&R.
    www.crrwasteservices.com or 1-800-826-9677
  • chevron_rightWhat is the monthly street sweeping schedule?
    Street sweeping is performed twice a month, on the first and third Wednesdays, from 8am - 3pm for Tustin and 11am - 3pm in Irvine.
    • 1st Wednesday: No parking on the odd-numbered side 
    • 3rd Wednesday: No parking on the even-numbered side 
    Since the first Wednesday of January 2025 is a holiday, street sweeping has been postponed one week to Wednesday January 8. As a result, for January only, street sweeping will be on the second and third Wednesdays of the month.
  • chevron_rightWhere are the pools, what are the hours, and when are they heated?
    Columbus Grove has two pools, which are open from 6 am - 10 pm daily.
         o  The Grove Pool @ 16601 Sonora St, Tustin
         o  Sweet Shade Pool @ 18 Sweet Shade, Irvine
    As a resident of Columbus Grove, you have access to both pools, regardless of which side of the community you reside in. Residents must accompany their guests utilizing the pool area and area limited to more than five (5) per household at a time. The pool area may not be reserved under any circumstance.
    During the off-season from November 1 to March 31, the heat to one of the two pools is turned off. This season, it will be Sweet Shade pool on the Irvine side that stays heated during the off-season. Please note, the wader and spa remain heated year round at both locations.
  • chevron_rightIs there WIFI available for residents?
    Wifi is available for residents on both sides of the community.

    The Grove House Lobby, Courtyard, & Pool Area
    Network: Columbus Grove 
    No password; must accept Terms of Use in web/mobile browser to connect

    Sweet Shade Pool
    Network: Sweet_Shade_Guest  
    Password is noted on the bulletin board between the restrooms
    The Great Room Clubhouse
    Network: Great Room
    Password is shared with residents who book the facility.
  • chevron_rightHow do I reserve the Great Room Clubhouse?
    As a Columbus Grove resident in good standing you may rent the Great Room for a gathering by completing the application within the linked Rental Packet or submitting an online request form.
    Great Room Rental includes access to the kitchen and the enclosed outdoor patio area. Reservations will be booked on a first come first serve basis only and will not be guaranteed until the rental fee and deposit have been submitted.
    Rental does not include use of the pool or other Association common areas. Your guests may occupy the Great Room and the attached, rear patio only. 
    Capacity:  Gatherings may not exceed 65 people.
    Rental Options & Usage Rate: 
    o   Weekday, Daytime (6 am– 5 pm) Rental:  $125 Fee
    o   Weekend or Weekday Evening Rental (6 am – 12 am) : $325 Fee
    o   Holiday Rentals require prior written permission from the Board of Directors. Additional fees may be required to offset additional security costs.
    *Hours Include Clean Up and Set Up
    Deposit Requirements:  All reservations also require a $500 Security Deposit paid via check, debit or credit. If there is no damage, please allow 2-3 weeks to receive your refund check or 7-10 days if paid by credit or debit. If there is damage during your event, you will receive a notice with the itemized cost to address the damage(s) within seven (7) days of your event. That cost will be deducted from the deposit, and the balance of the deposit will be returned.
    For additional information and guidelines pertaining to the reservation of the Great Room, please see the Great Room Rental Packet.
  • chevron_rightI'd like to make some landscaping / architectural/ painting changes-- What do I do?
    If you're looking to improve your home's appearance, update your home's exterior paint colors, change your landscaping, add solar panels etc., it is important that any and all modifications are in harmony with the aesthetic of the community. For this purpose, residents must apply for an Architectural Review to receive permission to make changes.
    Click here for the No Fee Paint Application (for repainting with pre-approved colors only)
    The Association's pre-approved color schemes can be viewed in the Grove House office or online on Sherwin William's Color Archives.
    If you would like to know what Trees and Shrubs have been approved for the community:
  • chevron_rightWhat does the HOA do about pests and local wildlife?
    Columbus Grove is also home to a variety of wildlife. For the most part, people and critters can peacefully coexist within our community. Occasionally, however, they will pose an issue, requiring pest control services. 
    The HOA treats the Common Areas twice a month to mitigate the number the insects, gophers, and rodents. If you are seeing increased gopher activity in the landscaping around your home, please notify Management at 949-726-0720, so additional service may be requested.
    Wasp and bee nests in common areas are considered a hazard and are removed promptly upon discovery; if you observe a bee or wasp nest in Common Area, please report it to Management ASAP. 
    If you are experiencing issues on your own property, the HOA's pest control provider, Animal Pest Management, provides reduced rates to Columbus Grove residents for general insect, rodent, and gopher control; you may request service and inquire about rates by contacting Animal Pest Management at 1-800-344-6567.
    If you are experiencing issues with mosquitos, please contact Orange County Vector Control at 714-971-2421 or report your issue online here.
  • chevron_rightWho is on the Columbus Grove Board of Directors?
    The Current Board of Directors elected for Columbus Grove:
    Jenny Barbery, Director at Large
    Pernille Datz, President
    Jeffrey Fuller, Vice President
    Matthew Loff, Secretary
    Martin Uribe, Treasurer 
  • chevron_rightHow do I get around Columbus Grove?
    Please click on the links below for community maps and fitness equipment locations.
  • chevron_rightWhere do I find important city numbers?
    City of Tustin
    (714) 573-3000
    Police (Business Calls)
    (714) 573-3200
    Fire (Business Calls)
    (714) 573-6000
    Southern California Gas Company
    (800) 427-2200
    Southern California Edison
    (800) 655-4555
    City of Tustin Water Services
    (714) 573-3375
    CR&R Waste Services
    (714) 372-8272
    City of Irvine
    (949) 724-6001
    Police (Business Calls)
    (949) 724-7000
    Fire (Business Calls)
    (714) 573-6000
    Southern California Gas Company
    (800) 427-2200
    Southern California Edison
    (800) 655-4555
    Irvine Ranch Water District
    (949) 453-5300
    Waste Management
    (949) 642-1191
  • chevron_rightWhat school district am I in?