Columbus Grove is also home to a variety of wildlife. For the most part, people and critters can peacefully coexist within our community. Occasionally, however, they will pose an issue, requiring pest control services.
The HOA treats the Common Areas twice a month to mitigate the number the insects, gophers, and rodents. If you are seeing increased gopher activity in the landscaping around your home, please notify Management at 949-726-0720, so additional service may be requested.
Wasp and bee nests in common areas are considered a hazard and are removed promptly upon discovery; if you observe a bee or wasp nest in Common Area, please report it to Management ASAP.
If you are experiencing issues on your own property, the HOA's pest control provider, Animal Pest Management, provides reduced rates to Columbus Grove residents for general insect, rodent, and gopher control; you may request service and inquire about rates by contacting Animal Pest Management at 1-800-344-6567.
If you are experiencing issues with mosquitos, please contact Orange County Vector Control at 714-971-2421 or report your issue
online here.